Our System

Evolving Vitality

Humans are designed to live in a state of vitality, yet our research across public and private sectors shows people feel they are just “getting by” when it comes to their well being.

In the Western world, we have never been so overfed yet undernourished.

The bombardment of global news and constant barrage of multi-channel media can leave us overwhelmed, confused and fearful. The glossy ads say; eat this, drink that, low fat, no gluten, go vegan, work more, work less, go to the office, work from home, no wonder burnout is so common! Our diet often lacks the right balance of minerals and vitamins and our lifestyle lacks the time and space to care for ourselves in this frenetic world. It’s no wonder we are merely just “getting by”.

Who do we turn to for help in making sense of what’s right for us?

Many of us believe that the symptoms of ageing are inevitable, yet there are some people who are enjoying long life and well being. Our founding father, John Ogden, is one of them.

We want to make lifelong well being the rule, not the exception

Our well being, how we live our lives and how we fuel our bodies is interconnected. Can you imagine polishing an apple in a bid to fix a rotting apple tree? Yet how many times have you taken a pain killer for a headache or sore joint, treating the symptom whilst the cause goes untreated?

With the growth of technology and advances in science, most people are totally reliant on a modern science-only approach when it comes to supporting our well being, searching for the magic pill yet the solution is often within our control.

Modern science and technology are amazing but we believe that to live a vibrant life we must adopt a wider and more holistic approach. Find the root cause of that sore joint, not simply soothe it with medication or perhaps worse, write it off as an inevitable sign of ageing, a story we hear time and again.

To have a chance to function at an optimum level we need insight

Insight at Evolving Vitality comes from a deep understanding of how the body actually functions, restoring balance to all your systems. The recommendations enable everyone to live a life of vitality and well being.

So how does it all work?

We start by measuring the current reality of a person’s well being, conducting a series of tests with med- ical-grade instruments which include pin-prick blood tests, saliva and urine tests, assessing the arteries and circulation, plus an ECG to check heart rhythm, the autonomic nervous system, how well we deal with stress, lung capacity, blood pressure and a determination of the body’s composition, body fat to lean mus- cle mass, water and bone content.

The results are uploaded into the Vitality Screening System and this is where the magic happens.

Combining over 50 measures, the Vitality Screening System analyses the results and provides deep in- sight into how your body is currently functioning and where you’re heading. John’s experience and knowl- edge spanning 50 years of how everything is connected is the basis of the algorithms, presenting you with evidenced-based, personal recommendations to put things right.

The screening takes around 30 minutes and the detailed report is ready immediately. All results, optimal or suboptimal are clearly displayed. The Vitalist will explain the report and recommendations of how to start putting any wrong things right, usually with small changes to food, lifestyle and nutrition.

The best part, most interventions are simple, affordable and easy to implement into our already busy lifestyles. From simple changes to diet, adding natural supplements, moving our bodies more, reducing stress and getting proper sleep. All play a significant part in supporting our bodies to be at their optimum, creating vitality and experiencing life long well being.

Blood Microscopy

Vitalists also have the option to add blood microscopy to their client screening services. With just two drops of blood, trained practitioners can show exactly how those ‘opt-of-optimal’ results actually affect the body and are visible in the blood.

Both live and dry blood samples can be analysed and the results often provide a dramatic wake-up-call to make appropriate lifestyle changes.

live blood

Good blood - live analysis

dry blood

Good blood - dry analysis

Details of the courses and associated costs shown on the ‘Academy’ page